Los Angeles Jewish - Muslim 
Dialogue on Human Rights: Lead Participants
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If you do not have a dialogue password, please contact any of these lead participants.   
Some of the email addresses below are "spoofed" to make it harder for automated email spammer programs to pick them up.  When contacting by email, please mention the dialogue in your email subject line.
Muslim Lead Participants
Jewish Lead Participants
Mehnaz Afridi - mafridi AT hotmail D0T com

Noor Kazmi - nkazmi AT usc D0T edu

Chaplain Abdul-Wahab Omeira - omeira AT sbcglobal D0T net.  Chaplain for Muslims at California State Prison in Lancaster.

We are seeking additional Muslim Lead Participants - please contact Mehnaz Afridi or Roger Eaton.

Rebecca Tobias also handles Southern California Educational Outreach for the Interfaith Encounter Association. She can be reached at RebeccaTobias AT gmail D0T com and at 310-916-8888. 

Cheryl Weiner - WeinerWallenberg AT aol D0T com

Vicki Armour-Hileman - vahmmaf AT yahoo D0T com

We are seeking additional Jewish Lead Participants - please contact Cheryl Weiner or Roger Eaton.


website last changed July 28, 2005