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Marvin Avila

Marvin Avila's picture



“It is a privilege and an honor to be a member of the Wallenberg Institute of Ethics. This organization fits well with my multicultural effort at helping in every way possible to promote true peace among people regardless of race, color, sexual orientation, ethnic background, and religious affiliation through my job as an educator, active church membership, and an active prayer life. This organization is inspiring, powerful, sensitive, intellectually stimulating, saturated with humanity, compassionate, active, and determined to create a peaceful coexistence of mankind.” (Dr. Avila)

Dr. Avila was awarded the Doctorate in Education—Educational Leadership by Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. While at this University, he did a summer program at Upsala University in Upsala, Sweden in Global Education. He earned a Master of Arts in Educational Administration from California State University, Los Angeles and a Bachelor of Science in Human Relations and Organization Behavior from the University of San Francisco. He was awarded the Fellowship of the College of Preceptors(FCP) now called the College of Teachers, Institute of Education, University of London. He also earned the Associate and the Licentiate of the College of Preceptors. He was awarded a Commonwealth Fellowship Scholarship to pursue a Diploma in Educational Management and Administration at Moray House College of Education now Moray House School of Education, Edinburgh University, Scotland. He earned a Trained Teachers’ Diploma at the Belize Teachers’ College and Teacher Certification authorized by the University of the West Indies, Jamaica.  Dr. Avila’s credentials include an Administrative Clear Services Credential, a Professional Clear Multiple Subjects Credential, and a Clear Bilingual Certificate of Competence (BCC). Dr. Avila has had countless awards both nationally and locally. He has been invited by several professors to speak on a wide range of Educational subjects to their students including UCLA, University of Phoenix, California State University, Dominguez Hills and others.

Dr. Marvin Avila currently serves as Assistant Principal at Foshay Learning Center (K—12), Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD).   He was an Assistant Principal at David Starr Jordan High School for ten years. He was also appointed Administrator of the STARR Academy, a small learning community within Jordan High School.  Additionally, he has served as Principal of the Summer School Programs at Jordan.  He was Administrator at Lynwood High School and Lynwood Middle School for two years. Dr. Avila has had experience as a Bilingual (ESL) Coordinator and as a School Counselor/Advisor at Bethune Middle School (LAUSD). He also has had experience as a teacher at McKinley Elementary School (LAUSD) and as teacher and principal at Catholic Schools. Dr. Avila has had a variety of teaching and administrative experiences at all levels. He has worked in the Adult Education program in several schools within LAUSD. He has taught in the Elementary, Secondary, and Teacher Education programs (Belize Teachers’ College and the Continuing Education Programs of the University of the West Indies) in his homeland Belize, Central America and as Adjunct Professor at Universities in the Los Angeles County at both the Masters’ and Doctoral Levels.

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Member for
11 years 14 weeks

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