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Sande Hart

Sande Hart's picture



Sande Hart is a mother of 2 college students and lives
in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
She is the Founder and President of SARAH (Spiritual
And Religious Alliance for Hope) created in an effort
to bring together the women of her community to
dialogue in a safe environment. With an Advisory
Council of 12 women and more than 400 members
world wide, SARAH is focused on community building
and women’s empowerment.

As Chief Compassion Officer for The California State of Compassion
initiative, Sande helps to develop and nurture Cities, Schools and
Businesses of Compassion, ultimately making California the first
State of Compassion in the world.

Sande serves as Chair for the North American region of the The
United Religions Initiative, co-founder of I Am Jerusalem, Board
Member of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Ethics and Author of
Make a Difference 101, Community Service; A Practical Step-by-
Step Guide for Kids and speaks to teens about realizing their
personal power and impact on their community.

Sande is the recipient of the Peace X Peace, Women, Power and
Peace Award, Orange County Human Relations Commission’s
Annual Community Leadership Award, the Newport Mesa Interfaith
Council Community Builder Award, The Southern California Chapter
of The Parliament For The World’s Religions Community Builder
Award, the Bowe’s Award, and the BaHai Community's Model of
Unity Award.
Sande is also a workshop facilitator, event programmer and speaker.

Work And Education
Personal Info


Member for
11 years 11 weeks

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