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Ron Klemp

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Ron Klemp, Ed.D. was the Coordinator of Secondary Literacy for the Los Angeles Unified School District in charge of implementation of reading intervention for middle and high schools. He has been a reading teacher and a Dean of Discipline in several schools in Los Angeles before he began coordinating the literacy intervention in L.A.He is currently an instructor at California State University, Northridge in secondary teacher education, and has a middle school advisory curriculum in publication. He was previously on the NMSA Research Committee, and has co-authored three books on reading and literacy including "Building Literacy in Social Studies."

Ron developed and coordinated the Middle School Peace Institute during the 1990's. He established fourteen Institutes in Los Angeles and helped to create a Peace Institute school in Jackson, Mississippi. Currently he is consulting for literacy intervention and creating cooperative classrooms. He is an instructor at California State University, Northridge, and has taught at National University and at California Lutheran University.

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11 years 14 weeks

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