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Shannon Miller

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Shannon is the resident tech guru (CTO) for the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Ethics. She is an entrepreneur that has been working in tech and the web for over 14 Years. She is a coach that blends spiritual practices with business sense. She is an actor, writer and speaker that focuses on creative practices for putting yourself out there and gaining more from your life.She is the co-founder of wacktrap.com and founder of gurugeekgirl. She brings her knowledge and love for tech to the Wallenberg where she re-imagined and designed the site on an all voulanteer basis.  She teaches S.T.E.M classes for the Girl Scouts of America, and has taught Junior Achievement courses for youth. She is a mentor for Girls In Tech Los Angeles a member of Compassionate Los Angeles. She is excited to be a part of the growth of the "Life Choices" program at the Wallenberg and believes that reaching out to our youth is vital for our society.She has an enthusiastic view of life and is highly motivated in seeing people reach their true potential.  Spending a month in the Israel and the Middle East she believes that the tie that binds is greater than that which divides. She is a thrill seeeking third generation native to the awesome city of Los Angeles that she absolutley loves.

Zodiac Sign: 
Work And Education
Founding Partner
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Member for
11 years 25 weeks

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